Are you a Property or Strata Manager? Do you find yourself constantly looking for help to put out fires and lessen your stress load, but don’t know where to find it?
Look no further!
Glenn Duxbury has been helping Property Managers for over 20 years in a number of different ways. He has even previously worked as a Property Manager himself, so he knows exactly what someone in that position is looking for and what they need.
Warranty Checks
One of Glenn’s biggest areas of expertise is helping with New Home Warranties, something that Property and Strata Managers frequently have to deal with and manage.
We have actually run into situations where a Property Manager was coming up against a looming warranty deadline and were able to act swiftly with knowledge and expertise to get the situation resolved, just in the nick of time!
Click here to read about our New Home Warranty services.
Quality Assurance
We provide quality-assurance services to help ensure that building standards and contracts are met and that the building and construction process meets your needs and expectations as a Property or Strata Manager. Glenn brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to help ensure that the property you manage retains its integrity and value and that your clients don’t overpay.
Taking risks with your property can result in serious consequences and costs. Whether you’re doing construction, maintenance, restoration or renovations, Property Managers and their clients can benefit from having an expert to oversee and continually assess the progress of the project and ensure that quality building standards are being met, for the best outcome.
Click here to read more about our Quality-Assurance services.
Construction Litigation & Expert Witness Services
If you find yourself or your clients in a dispute involving a property you manage, things like construction projects or renovations gone wrong, Glenn can also help out with his expert witness and construction litigation services.
By the time you need to resort to court action, you have likely already tried to resolve the issue and were unsuccessful. To best prepare for a civil lawsuit or court litigation, it requires not only a good lawyer, but expert support.
Glenn will work with your lawyer to create a thorough report that can be used in court to bolster your case.
Click here to read more about our Construction Litigation services.
Click here to read more about our Expert Witness services.
If you are a Property Manager or know someone who is, we can help you with your day-to-day work and make your life easier! Problem solving and providing real solutions is what we are all about!
For more information about any of our services, contact us today.