What happened to a Buyer who SKIPPED on the Condo Inspection?
In my many years as a professional home inspector, I’ve often come across short-sighted and /or ill-advised home buyers who think that skipping the home inspection is a good way to “save some dollars”. I’ve also seen the devastating results of this mindset. It is truly a dangerous gamble, to invest your life savings into a non-inspected property, which may be full of hidden defects and which can cost you hundreds of times what you may think you’re “saving”.
Recently, I was speaking with a mortgage broker who had a client that had chosen to skip their home inspection before buying. Unfortunately, this huge gamble turned sour as it often does. After only a few months of living in that condo, the client suddenly realized that the exterior was “leaking like a sieve” and had been for years. This leakage problem had been well known, but was hidden beneath clever disguises like new drywall and freshly painted walls. Inside the walls, the studs were weak and rotten. The ceiling was beginning to discolour and nasty mold was creeping into the Unit. To make this home habitable and structurally sound again would cost a fortune in renovations of the entire building and only then the interior, causing this Buyer unimaginable stress and personal bankruptcy.
Of course, all of these hidden problems could have been detected by a savvy home inspector with the experience to recognize the subtle signs of moisture damage. If this home buyer had been wise or properly advised they would have insisted on being fully-informed before making such a major life decision, as their mortgage broker who tried desperately to recommend us did. We always look at the BIG picture for our condo-buying Clients – never just the Unit interior and Clients get a “mini” depreciation report on what’s going to be costing big-time next…
“ A home inspection will cost a little bit of time and money in the short term, but in the long run you’ll be glad you did it – it could save you a fortune!” Contact Duxbury and Associates Business with Heart…! We will provide professional advice & ensure your safety, protection and security.”
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