FIRE DANGER. Be On your Guard!
With this hot dry weather we’re having lately, the threat of wild fires and interface fires is ever growing, as are the actual wild fires in British Columbia. See
Because it has been so dry, it doesn’t take much to start a fire but great effort and resources to try to put it out. Think about the devastating effect on the forests and animals, the firefighters, people, homes, buildings, neighbourhoods, communities and our air quality.
Entire communities have been evacuated, dozens of communities under evacuation orders or alerts. Neighbourhoods have been wiped out completely. Kids camps have had to be evacuated. Children are frightened and losing sleep, as well as adults.
Numerous large wildfires are zero [0] per cent contained.
Most of these fires are caused by careless humans, especially with cigarettes and campfires, amongst other things. Tossing lit cigarettes from a car window or even dropping them on the ground when walking, without ensuring that they are completely out, is often the cause, never mind littering the environment. Flicking ash from a lit cigarette may also cause a problem for the vehicle behind them, if the ashes get into the eyes of the driver or the spark enters the vehicle.
Very few, lately, have been caused by lightning, relatively.
Our plea to all smokers – no matter what you’ve been smoking – please be extra careful with where and how you put that out.
Regarding our homes, to reduce the risk of a fire staring or spreading to your home, keep debris away from your house or property and/or storage sheds. Pruning may have been done in the Fall or early spring, fallen branches or leaves/ pine needles not cleaned up; these items will dry out as well and can easily spark a fire to destroy your property and the entire neighbourhood.
Clearing the debris is not a guarantee that your home will be safe, but may give you peace of mind – you tried.
Be aware, if you have a wooden roof, it will also have dried out in this dry heat and be very susceptible to fire as well.Please be vigilant; do what you can to prevent fires and if you see a wild fire or any other fire, please report it immediately to 1 800 663-5555 or *5555 from a cell phone.
The sooner a fire is put out, the less damage it will do; prevention is always better than intervention.
Always thinking about your Safety!