Last week we brought you our Winter Maintenance Checklist, full of tips on how to prepare your home for the incoming freezing weather.
This time around, we thought we would build on that and provide you with a list of electrical safety tips to keep you and your family safe during winter.
We all know colder weather brings on more energy demands and electricity use to keep us warm. This can lead to some dangerous situations, but if you follow these simple rules, you should be able to prevent such a disaster from occurring in your home.
Electrical Safety Checklist
Always call a licensed electrical contractor to do any wiring in your home. You may think you have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done, but bringing in a professional is the safest and most efficient way to go.
- Keep cords away from sources of heat and water and do not place a cord under a carpet, through a doorway or anywhere it could be stepped on or tripped over. Cords and plugs that show signs of wear or damage need to be replaced as well. Stop using these immediately.
- Only use extension cords that are properly rated for the amount of electricity you’ll be using. Extension cords are intended for temporary use only. If you need a permanent solution, call an electrician. Also, be sure to use a certified power bar if you need to plug multiple items into an outlet.
- If a fuse blows, turn off all appliances and lights on that circuit before changing the fuse or replacing circuit breaker. In this instance, be sure to use a flashlight as well rather than trying to replace a fuse in the dark.
Loose fuses can overheat. If you have plug-type fuses, you should periodically check to make sure they’re snug.
- Unplug your electrical gadgets when they’re not in use and keep them away from water.
- Use only three-pronged extension cords outdoors.
- Learn how to shut off all utilities. It is always a good idea to know how to turn off the gas, electricity and water in your home. Always wait for service personnel to turn them back on, especially the gas supply.
We assume that safety is the most important thing when it comes to you and your family, so that’s why we are so invested in your well-being.
If you have any specific questions about electrical safety, fire safety or winter maintenance, please contact Glenn at Duxbury & Associates today!