Don’t let Buyers’ Remorse happen to you, (from your Trusted, Very Experienced, Neighbourhood Home Inspector and Property Consultant.)
With the staggering amount of homes sold in June of this year and the ongoing bidding wars, many folks are opting not to have a Home Inspection done, so that they can purchase the home they want. This was even remarked on, in and on the news, in the last 24 hours. Many have been advised and made to believe they “ cannot” ( not true)……..
As the home is being shown, by a realtor or seller, the potential buyer may well just give a cursory glance at the home, without really looking deeply or asking enough questions.
This has proven to be a big mistake as people have eventually found all sorts of defects, after they moved in, that could potentially be dangerous to their family. To repair these defects will be a very costly endeavour to the buyer. If an inspection had been done and these defects were noted by the Inspector, the buyer could have had the owner repair them, reduce the selling price or just walked away. Many homes have had cosmetic repairs done to cover up known problems, like mold, water- damage, rotting wood, gas- leaks, dangerous electrical and so on and these are likely to be found by a qualified Home Inspector.
Plumbing gone bad and water damage hidden behind the drywall.
Very often potential buyers will not go up into the attic, of course, and will miss a situation like this.
Moldy Attic.
Having the home inspected is a safety feature for the buyer, not just a way for the Inspector to earn money. Many Inspectors really care about their clients and want to protect the buyer from BIG problems and a money pit or a leaky condo. It is money well- spent, for peace of mind and assurance.
However – it’s not “too late”; you can, at least, find out how unsafe things are, so as to prioritize them and repair them, despite your Buyer’s Remorse.
Also having a home inspected prior to a sale will enable the seller to repair any defects, or note them in the contract/ disclosure statement, thus be able to sustain the asking price and not have unsuspected “surprises” show up, from a buyer’s Inspector.
Protect yourself before selling, and certainly before buying by having a qualified Home Inspector disclose the defects found.